Amartha Agri Nusantara - CV. AMARTHA


CV. Amartha was originally a company engaged in general trading and civil construction which is close to kapok fiber collectors and mattress factories in Pati Regency, which currently only supply local needs to be sent to Sumatra, Kalimantan and surrounding areas. Some are also in supply for exporters in Indonesia.

Categories : Agriculture

CV. Amartha was originally a company engaged in general trading and civil construction which was founded in 2001 in East Java Then, departing from the potential in the area around us which is close to kapok fiber collectors and mattress factories in Pati Regency, which currently only supply local needs to be sent to Sumatra, Kalimantan and surrounding areas. Some are also in supply for exporters in Indonesia.

Seeing the promising profits and opportunities supported by growing demand and abundant resources, especially in Pati Regency and its surroundings, CV. Amartha cooperates with the people of Pati Regency to be able to bring kapok fiber throughout the world by becoming an exporter company in 2020 we will start building a warehouse for storing and processing kapok fiber with the target still being for the domestic scope.

In 2021 we will also explore coconut waste derivative products, especially coconut coir which is usually not used and even burned. We collaborate with investors to process the limah into products that have added value such as cocofiber, cocopeat, coconut charcoal and so on. Currently we are expanding the market, commodities and attracting investors to enlarge the processing site and join the export community and try to attract international buyers to be able to export by making the “AMARTHA AGRI NUSANTARA”

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